I haven’t written much lately, but I had to revive the blog to share our happy news—baby #5 is on the way!
Have we lost our minds? Maybe. Don’t we know kids are expensive? Yes. Are we in over our heads? Probably. But we’re excited anyway.
Pregnancy is hard. I’m older this time around and I’m feeling it. But here’s the thing. That moment—standing in the bathroom, hands shaking, staring at a positive pregnancy test—it’s happened to me five times now (!), and I count each one among the highlights of my life. When we first got married, we spent four long years praying for a baby. So we don’t take for granted this place where we are today, our table full of messy little faces at dinner every night. We don’t want to stay in babyland forever, but can you see why we haven’t hurried our way out of it?
It’s not all bliss at our house, of course. I’ve dealt with more anxiety this time around—about miscarriage, the baby’s development, and just the unknown in general. I’ve also thought a lot recently how saying yes to one thing often means saying no to something else, at least for now. There’s a soup kitchen here in town that serves lunch 365 days a year. Our local pregnancy center consistently helps mamas and babies with their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. I dream about going to Haiti someday, and serving there as a family. And then there’s the foster care system and orphanages overseas, full of hurting children. There is so much need out there in this big, beautiful world. And the Bible is pretty clear: Christians are to go out and do something about it. But right now I am mostly just home with the kids. Sometimes having a house full of little ones feels like putting life on hold. (For the record, some of the “on hold” activities have nothing to do with serving and everything to do with books and bubble baths.) And I can’t help wondering, what does God think of me right now? Am I doing what He wants with this life He’s given me?
All I know to do with my uncertainty is to get down on my knees with it and hold it up to God. Psalm 131 has been on my mind a lot lately, especially when David says he has calmed and quieted his heart before the Lord. His peace doesn’t come from figuring everything out. It doesn’t come from the important work he accomplishes for God. It’s the opposite actually. David admits there are many things too great and wonderful for him to understand and he is okay with that.
There is a stack of receiving blankets in the back of one of our closets, some pink and some blue, leftover from our other babies. The other day I was putting away some laundry when I caught a glimpse of them, and pictured a tiny baby all wrapped up burrito-style. And then my questions quieted down. Because when I think about the new little person God is so carefully putting together, and the way this baby will grow and change our entire family, I know there is really nothing on hold in our life. Maybe for us, this—feeding and teaching and cleaning up after this little pack of kids, forgiving each other and taking lots of pictures and laughing at the chaos as much as possible—maybe this is life to the full. Maybe it’s not so much about doing big things for God, but about letting him lead us into the work He wants us to do, praying for little chances to serve and then grabbing them when they come.
There is so much I don’t know. But I believe God is sovereign. And I believe in some mysterious way, he is behind our dreams and choices, moving us along according to his plans. Lord willing, we’ll be holding this baby sometime around Christmas. I can’t think of a better gift.
you are such a TREASURE! Don’t concern yourself one second, about what others think or say about the # of babies you have. I remember too, hearing how you weren’t supposed to be able to get pregnant, but so wanted children….all you and Adam went through…..and….. I have no idea what made me speak that prophecy over you at our first meeting! Looking into those beautiful blue eyes, I just saw them – in the Spirit – knowing NOTHING – at the time, about your situation.
Yes, God HAS TRULY BLESSED you and Adam, and chaotic as life may seem sometimes…..you both are a JOY to watch with those babies, and God is not only behind you, He is ahead of you and smack dab in the middle! He MOST ASSUREDLY – knows what He is doing! Each one of those children has a special place and purpose; your job – is exactly what you’re doing, and He is blessing it! You are a WONDERFUL MOTHER, and parenthood, my dear, is a ‘learn as you go’ life……..and it is always full of surprises! Some not-so-nice, but mostly…endearing ones! At this point in your life – “the best is yet to come”! One day at a time! Embrace it, enjoy it, and no matter what it brings, tomorrow you can look back and thank God, He’s brought you through another day.
I, too, can hardly wait to find out the gender of our new little one. In the meantime, I’m having a blast with helping out in the clothing dept……..I praise God for the ability, privelege and pleasure……as long as I am able.
Love you dearly, and many, many blessings,
Thanks for all your sweet words, GG!
Oh, my heart is bursting with happiness over the coming of this new little one! Each one of these beautiful children God has given you is also His gift through you to the rest of the world. You wondered what big thing God might be doing – but it’s this! Raising and sending out five young people to light the world with His love! Your ministry right now is not only to your children, but through them. And I don’t think He’s anywhere near through yet with all the ways He intends to reveal Himself through your life. I think He just wants each of us to enjoy the adventure with Him along the way as we watch each new turn come into view.
Love you each so much, and can’t wait to see you again!
Aron, are you sure you can’t extend your trip to FL by a day or two so you can swing by Ocala? We miss you!!!
I wish so much I could! Not yet, but hopefully soon!
Absolutely Aaron is so right!!! That was exactly what I was thinking while reading your words. Your ministry is raising up these precious miracles in the ways of our awesome and faithful father!!!! Each child will have the possibility of touching thousands of lives in Christ’s name!! That sweet heart is THE calling.
I am so happy and thankful for you and Ad!! To have watchef you two grow in your lives and see love bloom, see miracle after miracle bestowed upon your blessed love!! I know we have lost touch Linni, but you and your beautiful family will always be in my heart. And I will always treasure the moments in time God gave us to know one another. I truly love you guys and pray blessings upon blessings over you and Ad.. and your little bunch❤
Thanks so much for your sweet words, Kristin. I miss hearing from you. I hope and pray you are doing well!
So excited for this wonderful blessing God is entrusting you and Adam with. Excitement
will continue to grow in your family as will tiredness, but God is always there with the
strength you need for each day.
Love you and your sweet family,
What happy, happy news! Your new little one will be welcomed with open arms by his/her older siblings! What a wonderful, loving, caring, fun family to be born into!
Linni, I am bowled over by your maturity as you cope with “the unknowns” and commit to letting God handle those. Even we oldsters often have trouble with that! You are wise beyond your years, Honey. This is a fabulous post, and I plan to read it again every so often, read and learn. “Out of the mouths of babes God has perfected praise.” And today, YOU are the babe!
so happy for you! I remember praying that God would answer your prayers for a precious baby. Well HE did and continues to bless you. God bless you and your sweet family always. ❤️
Bettie B.
I miss seeing you, Bettie! I hope you’re doing well.
I stare at the photo of your four growing ones and mentally add that Burrito of Sweetness that will soon arrive. I think to myself, That Linnea is crazy!
Welcome to Crazy. It’s the best place to be
Hugs, Dorothy
“Welcome to Crazy.” I love it!
It is crazy and it is the best place.
I can’t think of anything to add to the wonderful words of the previous posters, especially your mom. Am so happy for you! What a gift God has given you, after years of infertility and frustration! You are exactly where you need to be, doing exactly what you need to do, raising another generation to the glory of God! Well, I guess I DID think of something to add. And congratulations to you all!
Oh Linni SO happy for you guys!!! What wonderful news, you guys are blessed. Love your heart put into words, always encouraged and inspired by you. Much love from our clan to yours!
Thanks Jess. Someday our families will all get together, right?
Miss you!
Oh Linni, you and Adam are in a very important ministry right now. God has commissioned you both to raise your children in His light and love, to be among others who are raising a Godly generation which will be much needed when they are adults. As you both grow in the Lord, you get to share with your children how to relate to our heavenly Father, in like manner. You are instilling in them treasured foundations which the world will not be able to knock down. Yes, there is much need out there, which is overwhelming. Intercessory prayer for all of that is also a very important ministry. Occassionally, the Lord may call you and Adam to minister outside of your home and when He does, you both will have the grace, peace and energy to do so without it robbing your main ministry to each other & to your children. It is a blessing to watch you two as parents, raising them in God’s love.
Thanks Terry! You’re right–prayer is a very important ministry.
the other commenters have said everything I wanted to say! so I echo their words of encouragement that yes, you are exactly where God wants you to be and you are doing real kingdom work right there in your home!
love you dearly, friend. so thankful for your friendship!
I literally am smiling ear to ear!! I remember doing Bible Study at your house and praying for you to have a baby and now you have one growing inside you!!! YOUR 5th! What a GIFT!! I was reading the bible to the boys last night and read about Sarah laughing at God. I think he laughs at us too. Me thinking I would never be a mom and now I have 2. I am so happy for you!! Raising PEOPLE is God’s work. We don’t have to go to Haiti for that. He will give you and your clan many many opportunities to share the LOVE!!! STILL SMILING!!
Mendy, I know! I will never, ever forget that Bible study, and the way everyone prayed so hard for God to give us a baby and then he DID! Times 5.
I’m so happy you have your sweet boys too and love seeing all your Instagram photos. 
Hi Linnea
I am so happy for you and your family and this latest precious little blessing
God bless you love