We haven’t been doing as many baking projects at our house lately, mainly because my morning sickness drains most of the fun out of cooking. And eating. And just being in the kitchen in general. But this morning I wasn’t feeling too bad. Sky was at her Grammy’s house and Micah and I needed a project, so we made bagels. It was much easier than I thought, especially since Micah was entertained for thirty minutes on a chair pulled up to the sink. (What’s more fun for a toddler than splashing water all over the place and making a big wet mess?) The kitchen suffered, but our bagels turned out warm and soft, and really, what’s better than a nice hunk of bread just waiting to be smothered in cream cheese?
Since we’re leaving in two days for our summer trip to my mom’s house, I probably should have used the morning to accomplish something more productive like say, packing. Or maybe laundry. Or at the very least making a list of things to pack. But bagels sounded so tasty that a little procrastination didn’t seem like a big deal.
Lately I’ve been thinking about the line between my responsibility and God’s. Our third baby is due in February and it seems like we have a lot to do before then. Should I try to potty train Micah early so it’s done before we have a newborn again? If so, yikes. I’m just finishing that up with Sky. And what about our car situation? I currently drive (and LOVE) a Suburu Forrester. But it’s already a tight squeeze for the four of us. Can we fit a third car seat in between Sky and Micah? Or should we start looking at—oh my—minivans? For insurance reasons, we also have to find a new doctor or midwife, a process I find overwhelming. I could easily work myself up into a panic over all the decisions. How much of our future hangs on Adam and me and how much is up to God?
I know God doesn’t want us to worry. That theme runs all throughout the Bible. I like that God is in charge and my job is to cultivate the faith of a child. But at the same time, I have to take some level of responsibility for the future. God points out that ants store up food during the summer and calls them “extremely wise.”
People say God knew what he was doing when He decided pregnancies should last about nine months, and in this particular moment, I agree. I’m glad we have some time to figure out the details. Last night Adam and I decided we would not let stress wreck our vacation. On Friday afternoon we get to hop into an RV (thanks John and Terry!) and head north. For the next two weeks life will be all about family, the beach, ice cream, and sunsets. I know all the decisions will be waiting for us when we get back and that’s all the more reason to enjoy our time away.
Have a nice trip to MI!! I miss that place
Yummy looking bagels!
Btw,.sunshine radian carseats are pretty famous for working in three across situations, they are slim profiled and highly rated for safety. You can put two oldest in those and puzzle in the infant seat…cheaper than a new car!
Thanks for the tip Beth! We will look into it.
Oh, those look good! Maybe I’ll keep that in mind for a baking project when I go on break in EIGHT MORE DAYS! (sorry, got side-tracked) What I really wanted to say was I hope you all have a great trip, can relax and feel the days stretch out before you with your family and make lots of fun memories. Can’t wait to get together when you get back!
We will definitely have to get together. Enjoy your break in EIGHT DAYS!
You deserve it!
I second the Radian suggestion … we fit three across the back seat and then have one in a bucket seat in the middle row … leaves a bucket seat for visitors (like Abuelita!). They are expensive but very highly rated and you can use them for years. Wouldn’t hurt to look into them.
Oh, and HAVE FUN with your mom!!
You are the expert on fitting lots of little kids into one vehicle!
I can lift one of those decision question marks from your worrying mind right now: “no” on potty training Micah before the baby comes. Actually, for a boy, who would just be turning 2 then, most likely the project is an impossibility. After the new baby turns 1, then train Micah. Love you!
Thanks Mom. You always take the pressure off. Love you.
I agee with your Mom. I say wait on potty-training. Many times the former baby of the family will feel anxious about being displaced by the new baby and regress to baby behaviors. This may or may not happen with your son, but its not uncommon.
I’m sure you’ll find the perfect doctor or midwife. My daughters were blessed with a wonderful midwife that they wouldn’t trade for the world.
Best wishes for a blessed trip and wonderful memories.