Category: Faith

Short Prayers

Ever since Autumn’s birth three weeks ago, my daily routine has been set aside. It’s not really much of a sacrifice, especially when Autumn opens her blue eyes wide and stares at my face (she’s on the verge of her first real smile!) or when I touch her soft, fluffy hair (which also happens to smell delicious). But there are… Read more →


The New Normal

Autumn is one week old and we’ve all been adjusting to our new normal as a family of five. I’m not quite sure what our daily reality will be like just yet since I have so much help right now. Adam’s taken time off work, my mom is still in town, and our sweet friends have been dropping off meals… Read more →

40 Weeks

When you find yourself waiting for something really, really good, it’s hard to be patient. And that pretty much sums up my mood today, 40 weeks into this pregnancy. Yesterday I kept thinking 2/12/2012 would make a cool birthday. But our baby girl is apparently content to stay where she is a little longer. I’m thankful I have good friends… Read more →