Category: Faith

A Helper

Today would have been my parents’ 42nd wedding anniversary, except God took my dad to heaven two years ago. But this post is not about death. It’s about love and the best piece of marriage advice I’ve ever heard, which came from my mom as she and my dad faced the biggest challenge of their lives—my father’s terminal cancer. By… Read more →

Note to Self

This week’s post is a note to myself. Feel free to read along. Dear Linnea, You always say Thanksgiving is your favorite holiday. And that’s partly because you love turkey with gravy and pumpkin pie and the way everyone sits around all afternoon drinking ridiculous amounts of coffee and talking. It’s also because you have fond childhood memories of Thanksgiving… Read more →

Saying Yes

I know some very cool people. My friends Andrew and Jess just brought home their third child—a baby girl they adopted from an orphanage in China. Another family I know also recently adopted a Chinese girl, making them a family of ten. And my cousin and her husband are now officially foster parents, taking in little ones age 5 and… Read more →