Category: Family

Smudge Makers

Open Hands

My house is currently in the handprints-on-everything stage. There are several upsides to this. For one, whenever I take the time to wash the windows, do they ever look amazing! I mean, imagine glass you don’t actually see. Imagine looking at a window and only seeing the grass and sky outside. Revolutionary! The other upside is, of course, what all… Read more →

On the Move!

On the Move

So I’ve been trying not to write lately. And I’ve been pretty good at it! It’s been two months since my last post. Sometimes to be successful, you just need to change your goals, right? Since I have a houseful of kids, a long list of daily chores, plus homeschool for Sky and Micah, I figure it’s best to be… Read more →


The Secret Things

Today is my birthday! It’s 4pm as I’m writing this, and so far I’ve given two time-outs and one spanking, done three loads of laundry, filled the sink with dirty dishes (still waiting), drank two mega-sized coffees to make up for my five hour night, and wiped three poopy bottoms. Our big plans for later will probably include more of… Read more →