Happy due date to me! I can’t say I’m surprised that today feels like any other day. Well, any day with a massive baby bump, that is. For whatever reason, God has given me three very long pregnancies (41 weeks a piece) and three very short labors (5 hours, then 3 hours, then just over 2). So as baby #4’s… Read more →
Category: Motherhood

I shouldn’t be writing right now. I should be mopping the kitchen floor (no idea when I last did it—it’s been months). Or folding laundry (always an option). Or Christmas shopping. (Will someone please tell me why oh why it’s December and I haven’t even started yet? I’ve known my baby’s due date since June. And since I’ll be 38… Read more →

A Full Cup
With our history of infertility, pregnancy isn’t something I will ever take for granted. A new baby on the way is always a blessing, and a few weeks ago we had a wonderful ultrasound and learned we are having another BOY! (Micah is a little excited.) So why have I been feeling down lately? I guess it’s a combination of… Read more →