Adam and I recently added the fruit of the Spirit to our living room walls. So now when I’m halfway through a good, long rant about how messy the house is, I look up and find the word “joy” staring back at me. Or when the noise level has reached an all-time high and I’m just about to channel my… Read more →
Category: Motherhood
When God Takes His Time
Putting Autumn in Sky’s old baby clothes makes me happy. As she gets older, Autumn might not be a fan of wearing her big sister’s hand-me-downs, but for now she has no objections. And for me, Sky’s baby clothes take me back to her early months, when motherhood was a brand new miracle. Sky was born after three and a… Read more →
Six Months of Autumn
Autumn is six months old today and I’m a bit sentimental over it. Autumn is a gift from God, our third miracle baby, and a constant reminder that God answers prayer. Even her birth went just as we hoped—she arrived quickly and easily at home. Our first week together was easy too. My mom was visiting and Adam had time… Read more →