
I’ve missed you, little blog!

I haven’t written in a few months, mainly because of our calendar, which somehow took on a life of its own this past fall. I went looking for things to erase from my to-do list, and I’m sorry little blog, but you were an easy cut, mainly thanks to a sermon by Pastor Colin Smith.

Around the time I was flipping out over my schedule, I heard Pastor Colin point out that most people look at their lives and ask, “What do I want to do?” But servant-hearted people instead ask, “What needs to be done?” And, “How can I be a blessing?” And my life suddenly felt less complicated. Will I bless my family more by having a hot dinner ready before the kids are melting down? Or by writing about them? Is it better to keep the house clean (well, clean-er) or keep up with my blog?

Of course, I’m oversimplifying things. I love to write and I’m a big believer in doing things you love on a regular basis, even when you have little kids. I also love reading blogs and I’m thankful for the many writers who continually roll out new, encouraging, and funny material (that would be you, Mom! And Jen Hatmaker. And the Heavenly Homemaker lady. I could go on…). But for me, for now at least, the decision is easy. I need less on my agenda.

Because here’s the thing: I cannot do it all. I just can’t. It was probably the biggest thing God taught me in 2012. I can’t write a weekly blog post, be a MOPS leader, work in the church nursery, volunteer at the Pregnancy Center, go to Bible study, and keep up with the meals and the laundry and the shopping and the cleaning and the diapers and the tantrums and the homeschooling, and still have time for my friends and my kids and my husband, oh and God too…

When I try to do too much, my priorities tend to flip upside down. And I don’t do anything well. Example: I lost and had to re-purchase three gift cards this past holiday season before we could give them away. Yes, three. (Thank the Lord for my sweet husband, who repeatedly told me it was okay and then ran out to buy replacements once I’d stopped crying.) Do the older women in the grocery store who tell me to leave my house messy so I can play more with the kids remember how it feels to lose your mind because your house is disorganized?

So for 2013 I have made an ambitious goal: to accomplish a whole lot less. For the sake of my family. And my sanity.

Lately God’s been leading me back to the basics, reminding me that how I do things matters more than what I accomplish on any given day. I don’t think He’s impressed when I check ten things off my to-do list and sign up for three new commitments if it means I’m distracted and stressed out at home. I think He’d rather see me grow in humility and learn to move at the pace of my two year old. I sense God asking me to spend less time at my computer this year and more time in His Word. Less time writing and talking, and more time listening.

And so little blog, we won’t be spending quite as much time together in 2013. Don’t worry. I’m sure I’ll stop by here and there. I’ve never been all that good at keeping quiet. But I’m going to try.

Happy 2013 everyone! I hope you have a wonderful year.

  13 comments for “Character

  1. Connie Schambach
    January 6, 2013 at 8:44 pm

    You are making a wonderful choice. What you will be
    investing in will have eternal benefits.

    Happy 2013


  2. January 6, 2013 at 10:00 pm

    Ask Janna how a “priority list” helped her in 2013 keep the main things the main things…and not feel badly that Everything wasn’t the main thing :) And here is a pat on the back, a high five and a hug for a great start to 2013!

  3. Mom
    January 7, 2013 at 12:06 am

    There is great wisdom in your words, Linni.

  4. Nelson
    January 7, 2013 at 12:38 am

    Great words of wisdom, Linni. A YWAM leader recently challenged me with similar words, “I have been thinking less about what I am doing and more about how I am doing the things I am doing.” Something like that… It was great seeing you guys and being together over Christmas.

    • linnea
      January 8, 2013 at 2:30 pm

      It was great seeing you too! I hope you make it out of MT at some point. :)

  5. Carole Hawkinson
    January 7, 2013 at 5:44 pm

    Spot on, Linni!! Kudos to you! You are showing great wisdom.

    Love you!

  6. TLC
    January 8, 2013 at 10:43 am

    You have realized a valuable perspective at a earlier stage than some of us “empty nesters”. It is so normal for we, women, to fall prey to the “super woman” mode of trying to do everything perfectly. It becomes our definition of being a good (whatever role). There are so many good ministry opportunities outside the home, which the Lord doesn’t call us to do, but our belief of what a good Christian is appeased by trying to meet every need we see, which distracts us from God’s guiding voice of what His purpose is for us. I think the older women speak out of hindsight when saying that it is more important to spend time with the husband and children rather than having a house in perfect order all the time. “All things in balance” It does get easier as the children get older and they are taught the responsibilities of helping with chores. When God calls us to meet a need outside of our family which He gave for us to minister to first, He also gives the extra time and energy for it without it robbing them and our health. So many of us “empty nesters” usually arrive in our 40’s and 50’s, feeling “gived out”, with burned out health problems, because we said “yes” to everyone and everything, struggling with guilt if we did say “no”. May God continue to bless each one of you moms with the grace and joy with what He has set before you.

    • linnea
      January 8, 2013 at 2:35 pm

      Thank you for your encouraging words! It’s funny. I don’t really feel pressured by others to say yes to things. And I don’t feel guilty for telling others no. It’s more that I truly want to do everything! But I’m learning that I just can’t. I miss writing every week, but at the same time, it feels right to take the pressure off so I can concentrate on other things. :)

  7. GG
    January 8, 2013 at 1:38 pm

    I can only add my ‘amens’ to the above comments, Linni.
    Choosing your priorities, learning to say “NO” with love and conviction, and maintaining who you are, are great attributes of a Godly woman…..and you are! many of us learned these things much later than we care to say, but the first 10 chapters of Proverbs has been one of the greatest ‘teachers’ I can recommend….”get Wisdom above all else”. Following God’s Word, His way, the best life has !!
    As a senior granny watching you mothers of little ones struggle with ‘life’ and all the pressures that can be put on you….makes me want to shout from the satillite – “ENJOY RIGHT NOW – THAT’S ALL YOU HAVE”…….!! Have fun with those little ones……they grow up too fast!
    A house that is lived in….is a little messy at times….and there is a time for everything. Relax, sweetie, enjoy life!! YOu’ll be a much happier person, your family will enjoy you more for it….and your husband couldn’t love you more anyway……just be yourself……that’s all God wants too!
    We love who you are, the way you are and so very blessed to have you a part of our lives.
    Love you, be blessed,

    • linnea
      January 8, 2013 at 2:37 pm

      You are a wise woman GG! I love your advice about studying Proverbs. Thanks for your encouragement! :)

  8. Sara VB
    January 13, 2013 at 6:33 pm

    i was so pleasantly surprised to see a new blog post, i check every now and again because i love hearing your thoughts! i’m glad you’ve been listening to colin’s sermon series on the beatitudes, it’s been an a challenging, but encouraging one for me to listen to. it was fun to see you for a bit over christmas, sounds like 2013 is off to a good start :)

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