Category: Motherhood

daily chaos

Isaac is One! And a Few Lessons…

Isaac turns one today! He’s learned a lot in just one year and I think maybe I’ve learned a few things too… One of my 2014 highlights: while sitting with Adam on the back porch one evening, he looked out at Isaac crawling through the grass and suddenly said, “I love Isaac’s little hand. It’s part of him and I… Read more →

On the Move!

On the Move

So I’ve been trying not to write lately. And I’ve been pretty good at it! It’s been two months since my last post. Sometimes to be successful, you just need to change your goals, right? Since I have a houseful of kids, a long list of daily chores, plus homeschool for Sky and Micah, I figure it’s best to be… Read more →


Time Out

This year for Mother’s Day Adam gave me a beautiful silver bracelet engraved with the names of our kids. I love, love, love it. But a couple weeks earlier he gave me something even better: four whole days at my mom’s house up north with just Isaac. I missed Adam and the three big kids. But I’m not going to… Read more →